Selasa, 25 November 2014

Majora's Mask History

Majora's Mask History - You need to decide whether you’d prefer to have a super-sharp screen or killer battery life. The Lenovo Yoga 920 lasts hours longer than the HP, and performs better in benchmarks and games with the same CPU (although if this is thanks to the Meltdown vulnerability, the playing field is effectively levelled). lasvegas, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Majora's Mask History, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

In celebration of the recently announced Majora's Mask 3D, I will be telling you the history of the original Majora's Mask on the Nintendo 64.


Majora's Mask started as an Expansion for the game Ocarina of Time. called Ura Zelda, which translates to "Another Zelda", and it was going to be released on the 64DD. This game was going to make slight changes to some levels in Ocarina of Time. But, Nintendo didn't want to make a simple remake, so they got the challenge to make a brand new Zelda game, and their deadline was in 18 months. This game was renamed Zelda: Gaiden, which means "Zelda: Side Story". They also created a tech demo that was going to be shown at Spaceworld 1999. This tech demo included the finished version of Clock Town, the timer, and the Goron Mask. In 2000, the N64DD was cancelled, but people seemed to favor the Expansion Pak, so Zelda: Gaiden was movied to the Expansion Pak. Moving to this Pak gave the developers a WHOPPING 4 MEGABYTES! It was big for back then, seriously, on a HTC One M7, you can fit every NES, SNES, and N64 game, and still have a lot of data left. But, the Expansion Pak allowed better lighting, drawing distance, CPU, and allowed more things in one area. The game's name was changed to The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and was released in 2000. It was also re-released for the Gamecube in 2003 on the Zelda Promotional Disk.

Majora's Mask is widely received as one of the best Zelda games, and I can't wait until it is ported on the 3DS!

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