Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

See Your Saved WiFi Password in Windows 7 or any PC (WiFi Tricks)

See Your Saved WiFi Password in Windows 7 or any PC (WiFi Tricks) - You need to decide whether you’d prefer to have a super-sharp screen or killer battery life. The Lenovo Yoga 920 lasts hours longer than the HP, and performs better in benchmarks and games with the same CPU (although if this is thanks to the Meltdown vulnerability, the playing field is effectively levelled). lasvegas, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about See Your Saved WiFi Password in Windows 7 or any PC (WiFi Tricks), on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

If you use Internet in PC from WiFi , this trick is very important for you. With this trick you can easily know saved wifi password in Windows 7 PC. If you forget your WiFi password , so you can easily access with this technique. One thing remember in your mind this is  not a wifi hacking tricks. 
wifi password

If you don't know your friend wifi password , so you can easily know any wifi password from your friend computer. 
Now you know all the benefits for knowing this Windows 7 WiFi Password trick. This trick is very simple you don't need any type of software or tools for knowing saved wifi password in windows 7.

Steps for knowing saved wifi password in Windows 7.

1. Open Networking and Sharing Center.
networking and sharing center

2. In Left side you see Manage Wireless Networks , click on that.
manage wireless networks

3. Now in this Dialog box you see your Wifi Name. Choose your WiFi and right click on that, select properties.
wifi properties

http://lasvegasin.blogspot.com /2014/12/top-10-android-hacks-and-tricks-for.html" target="_blank">Top 10 Android Hacks and Tricks for Your Android Phone
4. Properties of your wifi open , select security tab, check show characters box. Now you see your saved wifi password in Windows 7 PC.
wifi password in windows 7

http://lasvegasin.blogspot.com /2014/10/view-save-password-in-android-location.html" target="_blank">View and Retrieve Save WIFI Password in Android Mobile

With this you can easily hack friend wifi password or neighbour wifi password. This is one of the best wifi trick and tips for windows 7. If you want more wifi tricks for android and PC check out our Blog and our http://lasvegasin.blogspot.com /search/max-results=8?q=wifi" target="_blank">WIFI Tricks Section.

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